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Hebegurt PUTec-1, 1 to
2017-06-23 08:52
Slings PUTec 1Coating on one sidePU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a sh
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 65.15 CHF each
Hebegurt PUTec-1, 2 to
2017-06-23 08:52
Slings PUTec 1Coating on one sidePU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a sh
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 108.60 CHF each
Hebegurt PUTec-1, 3 to
2017-06-30 08:29
Slings PUTec 1Coating on one sidePU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a sh
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 232.15 CHF each
Hebegurt PUTec-2, 1 to
2017-06-23 08:52
Slings PUTec 2Coating on both sidesPU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 81.40 CHF each
Hebegurt PUTec-2, 2 to
2017-06-30 08:53
Slings PUTec 2Coating on both sidesPU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 135.65 CHF each
Hebegurt PUTec-2, 3 to
2017-06-30 09:00
Slings PUTec 2Coating on both sidesPU-TEC - unique durability!Ordinary hoisting belts are often harmful loadsby the goods to be lifted, whichcauses a
Available in 2 - 3 weeks
Price, plus VAT,
starting from 290.05 CHF each
Results 1 - 6 of 6

Lifting equipment for professionals
Packaging and transport technology

  • Hardstrasse 47, CH-4132 Muttenz
  • +41 (0) 61 717 98 98